OPD Timing: Mon-Fri - 8:00AM to 3:00PM and Sat- 8:00AM to 10:00AM

IPD Open 24*7

अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, गोरखपुर


(An autonomous organization under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India)

अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, गोरखपुर


(An autonomous organization under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India)

अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, गोरखपुर


(An autonomous organization under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India)

Current Quotations

On-going Quotations can be seen on this page below. Visit Archived Quotations page

to view old Quotations.

Archived Quotations
Title Start Date End Date

Invitation of quotation for construction of cabinet with base unit and granite slab for ‘maldi-tof’ in microbiology department, AIIMS Gorakhpur.


2024110202-Nov-2024 2024120101-Dec-2024

Partition Work for Deptt of Psychiatry Neuro modulation unit


2024072424-Jul-2024 2024100101-Oct-2024

Invitation of quotation For One Time Complete Maintenance of the entire garden feature having as per Yard stick in the Garden area


2024072222-Jul-2024 2024080101-Aug-2024

Invitation of quotation for Procurement of 12 Nos SFP modules


2024062626-Jun-2024 2024070202-Jul-2024

Invitation of quotation for Work of aluminium partition at IPD (East) ground floor


2024040101-Apr-2024 2024040808-Apr-2024

Invitation of quotation for Running Canteen for Night shelter


2024020909-Feb-2024 2024021919-Feb-2024

Invitation of quotation for Supply of Lanyard and Card Holder and ID card Printer Ribbons with Blank PVC Card


2024021010-Feb-2024 2024021717-Feb-2024

Invitation of quotation for Surgical Instruments For Ophthalmology


2024012424-Jan-2024 2024013131-Jan-2024

Invitation of quotation for Filter & Mouth Piece of UNIEm Spirometer, for Pulmonary Medicine


2024011010-Jan-2024 2024011717-Jan-2024

Invitation of quotation for Sterile wooden cotton swab stick for Microbiology

Quotation Notice

2023101717-Oct-2023 2023102323-Oct-2023

Invitation of quotation for Aluminum partition works At Blood Bank


2023101717-Oct-2023 2023102525-Oct-2023

Invitation of quotation for Consumable Chemical Stains for Dermatology


2023100303-Oct-2023 2023100808-Oct-2023

Invitation of quotation for Sports items At All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Gorakhpur


2023100303-Oct-2023 2023100808-Oct-2023

Invitation of quotation for Supply of Annual Maintenance of Lab equipments


2023092323-Sep-2023 2023093030-Sep-2023

Invitation of quotation for Filter & Mouth Piece of UNIEm Spirometer, for Pulmonary Medicine


2023081818-Aug-2023 2023082525-Aug-2023

Invitation of quotation for Antibiotics Discs for Microbiology


2023071717-Jul-2023 2023072424-Jul-2023

Invitation of quotation for Consumable for culture Based Diagnostic services


2023052323-May-2023 2023053030-May-2023

Invitation of quotation for Supply of Lanyard and Card Holder and ID card Printer Ribbons with Blank PVC Card


2023040101-Apr-2023 2023040808-Apr-2023

Invitation of quotation for Consumable Chemical Stains for Dermatology


2023040101-Apr-2023 2023040808-Apr-2023

Invitation of quotation for Consumable & Non consumables Items for CSSD


2023040101-Apr-2023 2023040808-Apr-2023

Invitation of quotation for Antibiotics Discs for Microbiology


2023040101-Apr-2023 2023040808-Apr-2023

Invitation of quotation for Consumable for Cytopathology


2023011616-Jan-2023 2023012323-Jan-2023

Invitation of quotation for Hiring 16 seater Bus


2023011111-Jan-2023 2023011818-Jan-2023

INVITATION OF QUOTATION FOR Transbronchial aspiration needle


2023010303-Jan-2023 2023011010-Jan-2023

Invitation of quotation for Reagents for Anatomy


2023010303-Jan-2023 2023011010-Jan-2023

INVITATION OF QUOTATION FOR Repairing of 5 Nos Scrubber Machine


2023010303-Jan-2023 2023011010-Jan-2023

Invite quotation for consumables of microbiology department

Annexure Notice

2022121616-Dec-2022 2022122323-Dec-2022

INVITATION OF QUOTATION FOR Mouth Pieces along with filter For Spirometer


2022120707-Dec-2022 2022121414-Dec-2022

Invitation of quotation for Consumable & Non consumables Items for CSSD

Annexure Notice

2022120606-Dec-2022 2022121212-Dec-2022

Quotation For Hiring 16 Seater Bus

Annexure Notice

2022120505-Dec-2022 2022121212-Dec-2022

Invitation of quotation for KMC Chair

Annexure Notice

2022120101-Dec-2022 2022120808-Dec-2022

Invitation of Quotation for supply of Micromoter for Deptt. Of Dentistry

Tender Notice

2022111515-Nov-2022 2022113030-Nov-2022

Biochemistry Reagents Tender

Annexure Tender Notice

2022111212-Nov-2022 2022111919-Nov-2022

INVITATION OF QUOTATION FOR Surgical Instruments for Deptt. of ENT


2022101919-Oct-2022 2022111515-Nov-2022

Invitation Of Quotation For Dental (Orthodontic) Instruments

Quotation_PDF Annexure

2022101111-Oct-2022 2022101818-Oct-2022

Invitation Of Quotation For Panchakarma Equipment

Quotation_PDF Annexure

2022100404-Oct-2022 2022101010-Oct-2022


Quotation_PDF Annexure

2022091414-Sep-2022 2022092121-Sep-2022

Invitation Of Quotation For Biochemistry Reagents

Quotation_PDF Annexure

2022072121-Jul-2022 2022072828-Jul-2022

Invitation of Quotation for Glassware’s and other consumables

Quotation_PDF Annexure

2022071818-Jul-2022 2022072525-Jul-2022

Quotation for Supply of Lanyard and Card Holder and ID card Printer Ribbons with Blank PVC Card

Quotation_PDF Annexure Corrigendum

2022071515-Jul-2022 2022072222-Jul-2022

Invitation of quotation for Consumable & Non consumables Items for CSSD

Quotation_PDF Annexure

2022070202-Jul-2022 2022070909-Jul-2022

Invitation Quotation Biochemistry Reagents

Quotation_PDF Annexure Corrigendum

2022062828-Jun-2022 2022060505-Jun-2022

Inviting Quotations for Purchase of Surgical Mask for Hospital at AIIMS, Gorakhpur.

Quotations are invited from intending registered Stockiest / Distributors/ Suppliers/ OEMs having GST and relevant documents for Purchase of Surgical Mask for Hospital AIIMS, Gorakhpur. The quotation with copy of certificate of GST & other documents should be submitted to office of Office Superintendent, Administration Block, Medical College Building, AIIMS, Gorakhpur, U.P. up to 01st May, 2020 till 3:00 pm and send us mail on admino@aiimsgorakhpur.edu.in.


2020042727-Apr-2020 2020050101-May-2020

Inviting Quotations for Purchase of Infrared Thermometer for Hospital AIIMS, Gorakhpur.

.Quotations are invited from intending registered Stockiest / Distributors/ Suppliers/ OEMs having GST and relevant documents for Purchase of Infrared Thermometer for Hospital at AIIMS, Gorakhpur. The quotation with copy of certificate of GST & other documents should be submitted to office of Office Superintendent, Administration Block, Medical College Building, AIIMS, Gorakhpur, U.P. up to 01st May, 2020 till 3:00 pm and send us mail on admino@aiimsgorakhpur.edu.in.


2020042727-Apr-2020 2020050101-May-2020

Inviting Quotations for Purchase of Hand sanitizer at, AIIMS, Gorakhpur.

Quotations are invited from intending registered Stockiest / Distributors/ Suppliers/ OEMs having GST and relevant documents for Purchase of Hand Sanitiser for Hospital at AIIMS, Gorakhpur. The quotation with copy of certificate of GST & other documents should be submitted to office of Office Superintendent, Administration Block, Medical College Building, AIIMS, Gorakhpur, U.P. up to 01st May, 2020 till 3:00 pm and send us mail on admino@aiimsgorakhpur.edu.in.


2020042727-Apr-2020 2020050101-May-2020

Inviting Quotations for Purchase of equipment at, AIIMS, Gorakhpur.

Quotations are invited from intending registered Stockiest / Distributors/ Suppliers/ OEMs having GST and relevant documents for Purchase of below mentioned Items at AIIMS, Gorakhpur. The quotation with copy of certificate of GST & other documents should be send us on e-mail i.e. admino(a.aiimsgorakhpur.edu.in upto 28thApr,2020(Tuesday) till 3:00 pm. No quotation shall be entertaining after above mentioned date and time.


2020042121-Apr-2020 2020042828-Apr-2020

Inviting Quotations for Purchase of equipment at, AIIMS, Gorakhpur.

Quotations are invited from intending registered Stockiest / Distributors/ Suppliers/ OEMs having GST and relevant documents for Purchase of below mentioned Items at AIIMS, Gorakhpur. The quotation with copy of certificate of GST & other documents should be send us on e-mail i.e. admino(a.aiimsgorakhpur.edu.in upto 28thApr,2020(Tuesday) till 3:00 pm. No quotation shall be entertaining after above mentioned date and time.


2020042121-Apr-2020 2020042828-Apr-2020

Inviting Quotations for Purchase of Equipments and other lab items at, AIIMS, Gorakhpur.

Quotations are invited from intending registered Stockiest / Distributors/ Suppliers/ OEMs having GST and relevant documents for Purchase of Equipment and other lab items at AIIMS, Gorakhpur. The quotation with copy of certificate of GST & other documents should be submitted to office of Office Superintendent, Administration Block, Medical College Building, AIIMS, Gorakhpur, U.P. up to 25th March.2020 till 3:00 om and send us mail on admino@.aiimsgorakhpur.edu.in. No quotation shall be entertaining after above mentioned date.


2020031919-Mar-2020 2020032525-Mar-2020

Inviting Quotation for Purchase of Hospital furniture and equipment at AIIMS, Gorakhpur.

Quotations are invited from intending registered Stockiest / Distributors/ Suppliers/ OEMs having GST and relevant documents for Purchase of Hospital furniture & equipment at AIIMS. Gorakhpur. The quotation with copy of certificate of GST & other documents should be submitted to office of Office Superintendent, Administration Block, Medical College Building, AIIMS, Gorakhpur, U.P. up to 25th March 2020 till 3:00 pm and send us mail on admino@aiimsgorakhpur.edu.in. No quotation shall be entertaining after above mentioned date. Requirement of Hospital furniture & equipment details are as below:-


2020031919-Mar-2020 2020032525-Mar-2020